Beardo Hair Growth Gel for Men

Beardo Hair Growth Gel for Men (50g)

  • Moisturizes the hair
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Styles hair & gives a soft hold
  • Prevents flakiness & itchiness

Grow it with gloss!

Your hair is your natural crown and you need to take care of it to maintain its sheen. Daily pollution and hot climate leads to several hair problems like flakiness, itchiness and even hair loss. The problem of hair loss and thinning hair worsens if you use styling products regularly which have several harmful chemicals. Also, if you have an oily scalp, you cannot oil your hair regularly to give your hair enough nourishment. But don’t you worry! Beardo has brought you a seamless solution with Beardo Hair Growth Gel for Men.  Made using the goodness of Castor oil and Rosemary oil, this hair growth gel will not only style your hair but also give you the nourishment of oil.

Style & nourish your hair at one go with Beardo Hair Growth Gel

After cleansing your hair with Beardo Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo, take some Beardo Hair Growth Gel and massage your hair gently reaching the scalp. Set your hair with your fingers for a casual look or style using Beardo Sheesham Wooden Comb to get a sleek office-going look.

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